Thursday, 7 November 2013

Ride for Svengalie - March 2014
22nd March 2014 - Southern England. The ride will take place from Chichester to Beachy Head, weather permitting. Please see Richy's YouTube video for full details including map and meeting points: 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

London Marathon 2014 - in memory of Steve

In April 2014 Steve's brother Chris will run in the London Marathon, he is running in memory of Steve and hopes to raise over £1650.00 for The Mental Health Foundation - their mission is to help people survive, recover from and prevent mental health problems.
Did you know that suicide remains the most common cause of death in men under the age of 35

We will never know the torment Steve was going through but if Chris's fundraising can save just one person from going through the same, or if it can save one family from going through what we went through, and still do go through every day, then it will be worthwhile. No one knows who is next to be affected but together we can make a difference, we hope you can help. 

More details here and the donation link: 

Thank you x

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Travel Bug getting near!

In February 2012 Ronda -"That Old Biddy" - set of a memorial travel bug from Illinois, USA, it is currently in Germany and it would be great if it came this way and visited some of Steve's caches in Nottingham.

If you spot it, send it this way!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Greenlaning/Byway database update

Some great news on the site, the maps are working again!

Massive thanks to Filipe who has spent many months, along with some of his colleagues getting it sorted. In time he hopes to make it even bigger and better.

We can't thank him enough :)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Memorial Ride - Brighton 3/2/13

There is a memorial ride for Steve being planned for 3rd February 2013, in Brighton.

More details here:

Or on the Facebook page:

We would like to thank everyone involved for helping to keep Steve's memorial alive :)

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Steve Love Day, Plattsmouth, Nebraska

This is something we have been meaning to share for a while:

In the town of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, USA, the Mayor made Steve an honorary citizen at the 'Rhino Run' (Motorcycle Rally) in May last year.

There is a proclamation in the town hall about Steve which mentions his honorary citizenship and also that the 19th May from now on will be known as 'Mr Steve Love Day'.

It was Dan who found out about this initially from another youtube user - really2ugly - who attended the rally. They were quite shocked when the Mayor started talking about Steve to the crowd. He didn't record the event but did get a photo of the proclamation and reads it out in one of his videos. The proclamation is mentioned and read out about 4 minutes into the video below:

The Mayor is going to send us a copy of the proclamation.

We are, as always, honoured that our son should be remembered this way and that so many people care so much about him.