Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Greenlaning/Byway database update

Some great news on the site, the maps are working again!

Massive thanks to Filipe who has spent many months, along with some of his colleagues getting it sorted. In time he hopes to make it even bigger and better.

We can't thank him enough :)


  1. That's great news! It was Steve' site that got me back into green laneing - always hoped to meet up with him someday. At least we can still see and hear his view of the world
    Charlie KMQ

  2. Hi,
    Found this database a couple of months ago and now created a local ride group called SELKENT ABR, via the Adventure Bike Rider forum. I use the database all the time to plan rideouts, but didn't realise the guy had left us. Sorry to hear of the loss, great fun watching the videos of the Green lanes, I must admit I did wonder why no more new videos had gone on for Kent. Well we now take videos as well, so if you guys ever want videos to add to the website of lanes you dont have videos for, we can always email them over to you.
    Thanks again for a great resource on the Net, the guy was a real hero.
    Cheers Simon (SELKENT ABR)

    1. Thanks for your kind words Simon.

      The offer of the videos will be useful, the guys working on the site might be able to add them one day to help keep it up to date. I will pass on your suggestion. :)

  3. I didn't know Sven but I've been using and been inspired by the database and videos for some time now. In fact they gave me the confidence to get off the tarmac and into the muck. Putting a big grin on my face in the process. It's a unique resource so many thanks to Svan and whoever is maintaining the site now. Maybe one day it'll get developed further; if there's anything a novice rider and professional computer graphic artist can do to help then let me know.
    All the best,
    Paul Mc

    1. Thanks Paul. The site is being developed by some of Steve's friends so I will pass on your kind offer.
      So glad to hear you are enjoying riding the lanes and getting muddy!
